WELCOME to Off Yer Facebook – our shocking photo gallery of seriously smashed Brits.
Judging by the photos we've found doing the rounds on email on the internet, binge drinking here is out of control.Latest Government figures show that more than 500 people a day are being admitted to hospitals for alcohol-related problems.
And in the first full year of round-the-clock boozing the number of drink-related offences rose by 64,000 to 1,087,000, says the British Crime Survey.
Nearly all the people pictured, all of whose faces we have obscured to spare their blushes, are believed to be British.
As well as the shocking photos from the email we have added more boozed Britain pics from Facebook and other internet sites.
Some of these photos will make you laugh, while others will make you cringe. But they all show dangerously drunk people.
A Home Office review, to be published next month, is expected to say the relaxation of opening hours has not worsened problem drinking and, largely, has been a success.
But what do you think? Is Britain boozing its way down the bog?